
Want more traffic?

Want more traffic on your scrapbooking related site, store or blog?

Digitals now offers banner advertising in our store and home page!
We offer 1 and 3 month options with reasonable rates.
Click here for more details and to purchase.


Happy Birthday Digitals!

Happy Birthday Digitals!

Thats right, Digitals has been in business for 2 years on October 1, 2006! I am so thankful for all the people I have met through the site and I can't wait to see what God has in store for the future. We have lots going on to celebrate so please stop by!

We have never done this before, but to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, we are having a store wide sale! Everything except gift certificates, CD burning and commercial licenses is at least 20% off. Some designers have an even bigger sale! Thats over 1,800 products on sale. Don't miss it!

Treasure Hunt
Amanda is posting a challenge each day for 18 days. Complete each leg of the challenge and get rewarded with a chunk of our Bohemian Birthday Kit. Complete them all and be entered in a drawing to win a prize from one of our fabulous sponsors!

Birthday Card Contest
Make a digital Birthday Card. Any size! Include at least 3 Digitals products/freebies and post it in the
gallery.Once you post, pop back into this thread and post the link to your card! For participating, you will get a FREE KIT called Retro Christmas, created by Digitals Designer, Dana Frantz. At the end of the month, the designers will ALL vote on their favorite! The grand prize winner will get a $10.00 gift certificate to the store.


I have been tagged by the famous Sophia Davies. I say always do what a pregnant woman asks, so here goes.

The rules of the tag are:
List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets.
Tag 5 friends and list them.
Then, those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people.

1. I was an elf at the North Pole during college. Red tights and all.
2. There is a certain order you must follow when eating Lucky Charms. Cereal first, then the marshmallows in color order.
3. One of my favorite shows is Miami Ink on TLC. No, I don't have any tattoos. (Yet, lol)
4. I also like boxing and kick-boxing.
5. I still have all my Star Wars toys.

Kathy S
Lori I


Free Stuff @ Digitals

Digitals would like to offer you the following free downloads. We hope you will enjoy the great quality of art created by our designers and visit them in our store!

We added a Bonus download section to our galleria this weekend. You must be a registered user to view/download them. So far we have 4 offerings including a set of metal deco squares, a music alpha, a set of quickpages, and a set of family medals. We are adding more all the time.

Welcome Kit
Also if you have never registered in our store, we have a new welcome kit free for all new registerees.

Free Daily Downloads
We are on day 8 of our free Daily Download of Arvita Mott's By the Sea kit.

Free Samplers
Lastly, we have free samplers from our designers. Download these and maybe you will find a new favorite designer.


Designer Resources

This is a list of awesome resources for digital scrapbooking designers and also for customers:

1. Digiscrap Designer - http://www.digiscrapdesigner.com/forums/index.php
For $35 a year, you can join and get very good tutorials on making elements, etc., useful for designers. Also info on packaging, copyright, piracy, kit ideas, a mentor program and more. I just joined Friday and am still figuring out what all they have to offer.

2. Atomic Cupcake - http://atomiccupcake.com/
They have great PS and PSE actions (some free, some $3-4 each) that can be used commercially as long as you follow their terms which includes saying "Special thanks to Atomic Cupcake for the actions." in your description. I just picked up 5 more actions Friday. : )

3. Digi Shop Talk http://www.digishoptalk.com/boards/index.php
You are free to post links to our site and your products, mention sales and more. Also a good resource for what's hot and happening in the digital scrap community. I joined tonight and made several posts about our charity kit, free downloads, and challenges at Digitals.

4. Scrapbooking Top 50 http://www.scrapbookingtop50.com.au/digitaltopsites/in.php?id=20
Take a look at what is being offered at some other digital scrapping sites to see what is trendy as far as colors, styles, new products, etc. Not everything has to look the same of course (and definitely DON'T copy, just get inspiration), but its always good to have an idea of what is hot at the moment.

5. Digital Scrapbook Previews http://www.digitalscrapbookpreviews.com/
You can post kit previews here including descriptions and links as an additional way to advertise. Membership is $12 a year or $20 for a lifetime.

Please let me know if you have some to add to this list!

Charity kit release @ Digitals

Digitals is proud to announce the July 1 release of its newest charity kit: On Angels' Wings. This is truly Mega - 380 Mb unzipped of lovely elements with a coordinated color scheme and every penny of the $10 (even the PayPal fees) will be donated to SANDS, a stillbirth and neonatal support group in Austrailia. Sadly miscarriage has had a huge impact on the lives of many of our Digitals designers so wanted to support this worthy cause.

Thanks to Veronica Culley for this preview using fonts LD Letterpress, LD Warm Heart and LD Elementary.


New and Revised Products

I have been busy early this summer revising my products and doing some new ones as well. It has been fun to get to design again since I haven't had a lot of time to do that. Here is my newest creation called Bracket Packet. It includes 6 sets of grungy brackets in varying styles, all saved as both as png files and brushes, for only $2.00. Click here to be taken to this product in the store.

I also re-worked two of my popular paper packs. These each contain 20 papers: textured, grungy, artistic, something for everyone. These can be purchased as jpg files for $6 per pack or for an additional $10, you will also receive the native PSD files and a commercial use license. See them in the store here and here.

Did you Know?

I have been sorely lacking in my blog posts but its for a good reason. I have been very busy, along with the whole Digitals team, making improvements to our site. Many have been implemented and more are to come.

Thanks to all of you who took a few minutes to give us your opinions through our survey. We had over 500 respondents. We are carefully sifting through the responses and making plans for changes. Please take a look at what has already been done:


Digitals Scrapbook Week Celebration

We are taking National Scrapbook Day and making it Digitals Scrapbook Week Celebration. Its not just one day, and its not just for one nation, its for everyone who loves scrapbooking! Come celebrate with us all week May 6-12.

Two Crops Every Day
At every crop our Digitals Designers will have contests for free kits from our store, challenges, and a balloon. Collect balloons from 5 or more of the 12 crops to download the entire Celebration Mega Kit used in this ad for free!
-7 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, May 6-12
-9 p.m. Eastern U.S. time, May 6-12

Daily Downloads
We will have a free daily download available in our store May 6-12 that coordinates with our celebration kit.

Blog Giveaways
Check out the other Digitals designers blogs today (links in side bar at left). Several will have free daily downloads in honor of our celebration week.


Digitals New Home

Digitals has migrated to our new server this weekend. It is bigger and faster and will allow us to do so much more for our customers. We are still working out the inevitable bugs caused by the move so please be patient with us. We will have it all running smoothly as soon as possible.


Digitals charity kit featured in Digital SBing 5 Magazine

Simple Scrapbook's magazine Digital Scrapbooking 5 releases any day now and features the Child's Love kit created by the team at Digitals to benefit Casa de Amor, an orphanage in Bolivia. You can see layouts and such on the SS site.

I am so proud to be part of a team that does so much good for charitable causes. This project came about because Digitals designer Kelly Miller's daughter was on a 1-year mission trip to help out at the orphanage. I get monthly mail now telling how the children are doing and the needs they still have which are many. It is a worthy cause. If you would like to get a great kit and have every penny of the $10 fee go to the orphanage, you can purchase it here.

We are already putting together our next charity kit, so be on the lookout for it July 1. To read more about charity projects at Digitals, click here.


Sales, sales and more sales @ Digitals

We have more than 500 products on sale for Easter at Digitals. Stop in and grab the goods while the getting is good!



This is a layout of me:


Hi there and welcome to my blog! We decided to close the blogs on the Digitals site after a volley of disgusting spam got through, so now we are blogging off site.
For those of you who don't know me, I, along with my husband Rick own Digitals. We are part of a great group of ladies who design at and run the site as a team.
I hope to be a more regular blogger in the future, so stay tuned for more Digitals news!